1. League Details

2. Selection

3. Registration details

4. Payment

Where do you want to play

Select a league


Sorry, there are currently no leagues available for registration!


Starts on: {{league.start_parsed}} Ends on: {{league.end_parsed}}

Select a league


Sorry, there are currently no leagues available for registration!


Starts on: {{league.start_parsed}}
Ends on: {{league.end_parsed}}
Early bird price: ${{league.new_product.early_bird_price}} before {{league.early_bird_last_day}}
Price: ${{league.new_product.team_price}}
(Deposit: ${{league.new_product.deposit_price}})

League details

  • League: {{selected_league.name}} ({{selected_league.age_group.name}})
  • Facility: {{selected_league.facility.name}} ({{selected_league.facility.address}})
  • Start date: {{selected_league.start_parsed}}

Registration type

Personal details

We'll never share your email with anyone else.

Team details

Your order

Please check that all details below are correct.

  • Facility: {{selected_league.facility.name}} ({{selected_league.facility.address}})
  • Start date: {{selected_league.start_parsed}}


Price breakdown

Price: ${{parsed_product.base}}

Taxes: ${{parsed_product.taxes}}

Service fee (2.5%): ${{parsed_product.fees}}

Total: ${{parsed_product.amount}}
Processing payment...

Registration confirmed!

Check your email for confirmation and league details